
Showing posts from May, 2024

Healing Belly Button Piercing vs Infected – A Detailed Guide

  The Navel Gazer's Dilemma : Healing Belly Button Piercing or Infected Nightmare? You took the plunge and got your belly button pierced - the ultimate accessory for flaunting that toned midriff. But now, a few weeks in, things aren't looking quite as adorable as you hoped. Is this just the normal healing process, or are you dealing with an infected piercing situation? Let's explore the telltale signs to figure out whether you're on track or need to seek treatment, stat. Being clueless about belly button healing can lead to some gnarly consequences, so listen up! The Healing Belly Button Piercing A fresh belly button piercing is essentially an open wound, so some discharge, swelling, and tenderness is par for the course in the first few weeks and months. When things are healing normally, you may notice: A translucent or whitish-yellow crusty discharge (ew, we know) forming around the piercing entrance and exit holes. This is just lymph fluid that's dried up -